Schooling in the digital age


Technology has changed classrooms in many ways. Just think; we now have smart boards, laptops, collaborative thinking and learning, we are able to access information for China, the USA. Technology has opened up doors for education that only a few years ago were never available.



One way technology has changed the original or norm that society would call educating students would be the idea of a ‘flipped classroom’. This is where the responsibility and ownership of learning is transferred from the teacher to the students. Technology is enabling students and teachers are to be able to represent information in many different ways. This will allow students to express their ideas and assignments in ways that are beneficial to their learning styles.


An online site that is available for students to use for presentations is , this site allows teachers and/or students to make online presentations that can include pictures, YouTube links, files and is a completely online site.

My example of a prezi is included below:


I believe that technology is improving our classroom environments because students are given the opportunities to get information and explore ideas that were never available to us before the internet and collaborative working, although the question still pops into my head: if we are using technology every day, using computers to do our typing, searching the web, will students of the future know what handwriting is or will this become an extinct learning form?

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